Monday, April 6, 2009

Numbers and Days of the Month

I'm not sure entirely how days of the month work in 日本語, but I have another down.

五日 - itsuka - 5 days, fifth of the month

In a desire to get all this, I've looked them up and compiled a list.

The other new one I have is this:
一杯 - ippai - full
I think I'll make a list of all the words with "一" (i.e. "one") in them.

Here is one through ten and twenty for now.

一日 - ichijitsu/ichinichi
二日 - futsuka
三日 - mikka
四日 - yokka
五日 - itsuka
六日 - muika
七日 - nanoka/nanuka
八日 - youka
九日 - kokonoka
十日 - tooka

20日 - hatsuka

I think it's that they use the chinese pronunciation for "first, second, third" words... "ordinates", I think they're called.

A little FYI, there's nothing special to their month names. They're 一月, 二月, ans so on. Just ___+getsu.

Interesting... I'll have to see if there's anything else I need to know that goes along with these.

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