I haven't had too much time to play my guitar.
That's kind of a lie, as I've had nothing to do since Saturday.
But I haven't been interested... I've had a book to read,
The Screwtape Letters, by
C. S. Lewis.It's a good book, and a good read, no matter what religion you are.
I spent today over at the Zimmermans, some family friends. They're lots of fun.
Frank Zimmerman is my dad's old roommate. I have all brothers, they have all girls... kinda funny... There's Erica (16), Bree(14), Kimberly and Shannon, both something around 8... not sure... and Cassie, who's 10 months old.
Apparently Bree keeps in touch with my nutty younger brother... they're a lot alike...
Anyway, it's Thanksgiving, and if you haven't made a list of things you're grateful for, you'd best do so at some point.
I'm grateful for:
(in no particular order)friends, family, roommates, food, math, science, my education, holidays, my laptop, my guitar, chocolate, running hot water, my warm blanket, pillows, my warm spot on the couch, showers, sunshine, rain, snow, wind, water, flowers, my clothes, the sky above, the grass beneath, the sound of rainfall, the wind in the trees, the birds in the air, love, friendship, soap, refrigerators, dishwashers, sound, color, peace, light, quiet, freedom, creativity, light, music, art, dancing, singing, sleep, fun, jokes, electricity, contact lenses, paper and pencil, dry erase boards, comics, cars, cell phones, computers, my ipod, flash drives, the internet, Google, FireFox, heated apartments, the Savior, repentance, technology in general, the Gospel in general, and life in general.