Friday, November 28, 2008

Learning to Speak

I'm covering a new unit at

It's Essential Grammar - covering the polite, formal, and informal wordings and colloquialisms.
丁寧語 - teineigo - polite language - that's what I'm learning.

For example, using the (き)ます ending instead of the -ru / -u ending.
A good example is the sentence,
"I speak Japanese to you" - わたし は あなた に 日本語 を 話します。

it has tense...
ます - present
ません - negative
ました - past
ませんでした - neg. past

です is the polite form ending. It replaces the present だ, and ends it's conjugated forms. They're not the same, though. I've already covered the two, however...
for explanation, see my post Nouns.

On another note, the へ particle implies literal coming/going, while the に particle implies coming/going for a purpose.

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