Tuesday, March 17, 2009


'BubbleWorks' ...
is the name of my newest art piece. It looks better full-size, as usual, but For what you already see it's not too bad. It was fun. More of a toy than a piece of art.
I didn't learn anything. I hated the tutorial. It was one of the ones I listed yesterday. Another one was dumb, too. I didn't even try it.
I have two left to look at, and if they're worth what they appear to be, I'll have something to show next time. We'll see.

Anyways, the things I covered in this were tricks like inventing a layer style and copy-pasting it to multiple layers. You'd be surprised how much spice that can add without significant effort. It all adds up pretty quick. I played with designing my own brushes for it. Nothing significant, though.

One thing I did learn significant today, however, is that you can make a shape with selections, and modify them, especially with free transform. Then you can fill them with a color, a gradient, and add layer styles to your heart's content!

Using layer styles and old/plain brushes often feels like cheating. It can do wonderful things, but it's easier to be proud of your work when it's your concept or creation. My Feeling Lucky Four-leaf clover (and background brush) were all from stuff I did myself with the pen tool. I can credit it all to my own idea. I'm proud of that one. I did good. If you're ever doing art you want to have value, at least to you, keep that in mind.

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