Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Particles

I need to work more on all of my hobbies...
I've just been extremely busy.

Sentence of the Day:
watashi wa nihongo de utsu.
I type in Japanese.

I've become more familiar with the particle で now.
は, that sets the topic,
が, labels the subject,
も, inclusive particle that adds to the topic,
を, the direct object marker,
の, shows ownership,
に, that directs toward (like "to"),
へ, that shows gereral direction, but not necessarily destination,
で, by means of / context,
と, and,
や, and...etc,
とか, a more colloquial form of や,
か, question marker,

and I think that's all of them. Yay!

Now I just need to work on my verb conjugations...
And my Kanji...

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