Thursday, October 16, 2008

Lee's Final Performance

My roommate/inspiration Lee is going home Saturday.
That means that tomorrow's his last day here.

I'm really going to miss having him around. I'm working on learning to play some of his songs; maybe being to play them will remind me of all he's taught me.

Hopefully I'll be able to begin writing songs soon with what I've learned; I haven't had the time as of yet...

I'll probably take up some of the songs he's played, such as
I Will Follow You Into the Dark (Death Cab for Cutie).
There's a few by Relient K he knows, too.
He's just the kind of guy who plays all the songs I've thought of learning to play; I've been thinking of learning "-Into the Dark" for a while now.

What do I have to say about Lee? Let's just say Lee's my middle name(it really is). I'll probably write a song about him at some point- there aren't many things out there that inspire me, and I've found one.

It'll be lonely without him; we'll keep in touch, but I'm so used to always having him around when no one else is... I guess I'll get over it.

But still- no one will replace Lee. Everyone should have a Lee. An awesome guy with endless amounts of talent and good music and speakers.

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