Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Student Of...

I've been learning a few words of education and profession.
my sentence for the day:
kare wa igaku no gakusei da.
He is a medical student.

the knowledge/discipline of medicine is igaku, 医学。
student, a rather common and important word to know, is gakusei, 学生。
so I'm a student of japanese, 日本語の学生。

I've been looking at areas of knowledge, and found these:

(forensic)medicine is (法)医学, (hou)igaku.
physiology is 生理学, seirigaku.
psychology is 心理学, shinrigaku.
nutritional science is 栄養学, eiyougaku.
anatomy is 解剖学, kaibougaku.

science is 科学, kagaku.
chemisty is 化学, also pronounced kagaku.
biochemistry is 生化学, seikagaku. (the kanji 生 means life)
physical science(physics) is (物)理学, (butsu)rigaku.
biology is 生物学, seibutsugaku.
astronomy is 天文学, tenmongaku.

history is 私学, shigaku.
law is 法学, hougaku.
humanities is 人文科学, jinbunkagaku.

language(linguistics) is (言)語学, gengogaku.
lierature is 文学, bungaku.

geometry is 幾何学, kikagaku.
mathematics(algebra) is (代)数学, (dai)suugaku.

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