Monday, March 23, 2009

Photoshopping From Scratch: Starry Scene

I did a from-scratch (i.e. "real") piece of digital art the other day from that night sky tutorial I mentioned a little while ago. It took FOREVER.
I'm kinda burned out now.
Here's what the tutorial showed:
This is the one that I was supposed to imitate. Considering I did my own thing, not attempting to follow fully, I think in some respects I did a better job.

I do think he did better with the mountains, but mine aren't to shabby, considering the level of difficulty. If you go and look at the actual images, the resolution is different. His is only 1024x768 (4:3), and mine is 1440x900 (8:5/widescreen).

This is mine. His is "Night Sky". This I call Starry Scene. Unfortunately, the stars don't show out in this scaled-down image. I think you can click on it to see the full-size.
There are all kinds of differences. I added a displacement map for the water, which makes mine appear more realistic close-up, imho.
I thought his stars were a little rough, so mine are softer.
I like the elements in mine being more centered. Plus, his light-blue distant mountains seemed kinda fake - I faded mine - I almost removed them completely. My glow is lower, too.
Also, I colored the tree edges green, so on closer inspection you'd see that it's not just a black smudge - they are tree branches.

My mom's about to get a lot of website attention, and someone else wants to sell her book, thinking the image I did was of a real book! Well, They're a normally only-print company, and are making an exception in her case. I guess they like my pic!

Well, as her radio interview comes out the 7th, She wants me to help with a website tweak, as well as do the same for Turtle Soup that comes out in August that I did with The Privateer.
I'm excited to help. At least somone's cashing in on my ability...

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