Saturday, January 17, 2009

Harder to Breathe

This is my new song.

Yes. Finally, the new song I promised myself.

I'm so glad to have written it - I didn't get this post in right away simply because I stayed up late with the song instead of coming here and posting about it.

I'll end with a preview of the lyrics - they're in the works still.

It really did take me into the early hours of the morning to finish it...
I seem to only be good at songwriting at that time of day... I've never understood why.

That's why I haven't written a song in so long - my other few ones were written in the early hours as well.

That's odd, isn't it? It doesn't make any sense. Why is my ability to write music only good early in the morning?

It's two in the morning
I'm still awake mourning
I'm finding some words for a song

She'd never believe me
but i can't help but feeling
i've known a deep truth all along.

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