Thursday, January 15, 2009

Today's Vocab

Today's new stuff was:
遠い - tooi - far, distant
弱い - yowai - weak
耳 - mimi - ear, hearing
据わる - suwaru - to sit (down)

浴びる - abiru - to take (a shower)

This is the first English homophone I've had to deal with.
I've had week before.
I've forgot it already, though - that's even worse.
Let's see...
weak - yowai - 弱い
week - shuu - 週

I'd forgotten 次 - tsugi - "next"

My new grammar/misc pieces for the day are...
また (mata) - again, also, still(doing something)
いつ (itsu) - when, how soon

It did "right" as a new one, so here's these.
右 - migi - right
左 - hidari - left

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